Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I don't know why
Then again I just might
But I can't seem to write
What my mind wants me to, tonight

Am I that incapable?
Just an ass in a well
My abilities are confined within this genre
I can't place any other emotions on the line

I've tried multiple times
But I can't seem to put those cheesy words together
And have them make as much sense
As my other phrases

I'd perhaps a mayhap
And deceive what you would perceive
Still I'd like to be able to
Put these words on paper
And make it seem like it's real

Alone I could say the phrase
Expanded it doesn't make sense to me
They won't link
No matter how hard I've tried
Maybe my best just isn't giving all its might

So I fight with what I can write
In this song I am making up tonight
To prove myself and to prove to all the odds I might face
That I am more than what they can expect

He wrote, about the skies and nights
About shakespears and how he would be
With every action that you could give

He said, that his love for you
Is pure and true
Like Romeo's for Juliet
Your life he wishes to take
His life is there for you to claim
Foolish is all I can say
And this is where I will truly begin

You have gone through the winding journey
From the top to reach these final words
That I'll say
Straight in your face
That I love you
With no strings attached
And I don't ask for anything in return

Wasn't that cheesy, was it now?
That is as much sense as I can see in those words
And form in a proper sentence
To give them out
And that is all I have for now.

To prove myself against this :

How could you just fall from the sky tonight?
From the sky… When usually there’s only rain.
Well tonight it’s all about you baby.
How could this happen to such a loser like me?
Could this be a turn of events in my tangled life?
Could this all be a dream. Or one of my fantasies.
Part of life is realizing some things are untrue.
Why? Why will you stay?
Why will you go?
Where will you go now?
Can’t you see the confusion in my eyes?
In my eyes?
Will this be?
Can we make it now?
Well will it be?
You hold all the answers?
To all of my questions.
In life. To learn.
Where should I start?
From the beginning of a true romance.
From a beautiful and heartbreaking story.
About a boy and girl.
Named dear Romeo and fair Juliette.
Will this end the same as their story?
With bloodied knives and pain and destruction.
Can’t you tell me a love story where they end up together?
Will you kiss me? Here and now.
Or we could set sail to a more secluded spot.
We are here, we are here now.
You take me atop a mountaintop!
You take me atop a mountaintop.
With one kiss.
You send my brain spinning into mindless thought, and utterless gibber.
Wait one minute let me return the favour.
You have made me one happy man.
Will this be?
Can we make it now?
Well will it be?
You hold all the answers?
To all of my questions.
In life. To learn.
Where should I start?
Will you be my bride tonight?
Will you be my delicate bride tonight?
With your white veil covering your face.
You look like an angel from outer space.
Dressed in your ego I stand up tall.
Tall as the trees, Tall as the trees.
I watch your face and then you suddenly fall.
I see the pain and digression following all.
Just wait up one second it wont take me long to tell you I love you so.
I love you more then the rain in the sky as it tips off the mountains and onto your face
Your decisions are cracking at the seams.
I hope you make the right decisions for me.