Saturday, December 27, 2008


One day,
There will be silence

Don't know,
Don't ask,
This pandemonium is sufficient

Questions can fade
Let them fade with the maroon so dull
Spilled all over the ground

Where are the answers?
Where did they flee to?
Lying and deluding

Don't care,
Don't want to correct
The dream so entrancing
Wishing it would last forever

There is no grey
There is neither a rainbow

Colors are mixed so badly
They form chaos

Uneven blotches
Mainly a ugy shade of green
Thick and slimy

Touch it
Feel it?
Taste it
Hate it

Refusal and denial
So close to each other

Blinding like the light of the Lord
Enough for him to look the part

Status and power
To reign,
To control,

All of it for none
Other then weaknesses naked to different perceptions
Bare and vulnerable,
The need to hide is created
It is just,
How it is hidden.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008







Saturday, October 18, 2008








Monday, October 13, 2008

I am Peter Transformer!

P.T : Hey miss, how are you? Will you be my friend? (In Chinese)

S.W: -shock-

P.T: Hey, what's your name? My name is Peter Transformer.

S.W: Huh? I am Super Woman.

P.T : Orh. Okay. Super Woman. So I call you Super Woman?

S.W: Yeah lah.

*shakes hands*

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Your wings unable to lift you
Your weight slowly killing you
From above

Salvation takes the escape route
Fleeing from you
Taking on the fire escape plan

Crushed by gravity
Smashed right down to the earth
Naming yourself Lucifiel
Like all the others

To be different,
You took flight
But yet,
Your ending is still the same

Pathetic and easily crushed
Lies, you would simply believe
Now that you are down on the ground

Angry and sad
Your persistance is amazing
How you still try to stand out from everyone else
You have fallen in with

Corpses and the battered who lay atop solid ground
You drop just like a piece of junk
Into the pit
Joining all the other Icaruses

Your wings barenaked
They are but your arms
Your sole difference from them
Is your persistance

If that makes you happy
So be it
But you cannot be Lucifiel
You are Icarus

They may both be pseudo-beings
Fictional and mythical
But you are still Icarus

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I will be waiting by the side
And watching
As you drown before my eyes

Your body afloat on this filth
Is that what you call water?
Well, whatever
Since your lifelessness is all that I need to see
To appease me

Having walked down a path of agony
Following the signs
Turning when they say so
Hoping to arrive at your final destination

Some are longer
Shorter or the same length
But not necessary the same width

Expectancy of your own winding and touring
Told by someone else who had a peek at it
Words constantly changing
Like how the world does too

Hence being timeless
I won't change, mentally
Even as age catches up with my body

Childish you may believe
Yet age, they are not just numbers
Simply because you are not immortal

For maturity with age and time
Innocence is taken in return
Losing without knowing

Running and hiding
From death ; from time
Not a wonder why you haven't time to think
About your own doings

Not getting what you want
This happiness you speak of
What everyone is wanting and pursuing
Are you just another one of them?
Hoping to bump into it one day
As your legs keep bringing you to different places
Your mind frantic and eyes looking psychotic

Blame, push it somewhere
Or take it all with you
Then what do you do with it?
Ignore, forget or forgive?
Whatever happened to remembering?

Domination, termination
To form your own nation
Extermination, condemnation
To form your perfection
For your satisfaction

Can you say not?
Without hesitation,
Without contradiction to your actions?

For so, I will wait
And watch as you drown
In your pool of lies and contradiction (no it isn't water although you may call it so)
Selfishness and domination
You are not mother nature
Neither a bird
Stop taking everything in or under you
You cannot fend off every last threat
There is only so much you can take
Before breaking
Killing everything you have taken

Until then, you will stay as a whole
Even after drowning
Floating, to protect your creation

Friday, August 15, 2008



Tuesday, August 5, 2008





Friday, August 1, 2008





Wednesday, June 11, 2008

For your inner stalker's desire

Hey, how's life
Everything's fine
And the plans are going well
Thank you
For asking
Thank you
For caring

Is how it sounds
How it would be in a business conversation
But if you'd just take down the details
And look at them,
If there are any

Because life's been the same
Wash and repeat it again
Day after day
Nothing is going to change
Just like yours

Walk around and take a look at others
Do they look any different
From yesterday
In any way

Take a look in the mirror
Can you find youself?
Is everything the same?
Like the past decade

So don't ever ask again
"How's life?"
"How's everything?"
"Is it fine?"

Because life's been the same
Wash and repeat it again
Day after day
Nothing is going to change
And I don't want to repeat myself
Like how they do
In business suits
Just like how life does to you

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Beag ioc fein!

Sitting by the moonlight
All alone
Sipping beer at night
In the cold

I wish that it wasn't just words
To be real
It seems so simple
Yet so impossible

What is true
What I can feel
Is a needle going through
Another hole to be made
The pain is numbed
But it still feels so fucking good

Beer and moonlight
They don't seem to meet
Do they hate each other?
Or do they just hate me?

But that is fine
I'll have Adam and Eve
With some leaves
All crafted with lead

Abel and Cain
Soon to be born
With my hands
They will form

On paper,
Yes they all are
But truly
I can't care less

Eve looks like a Bishounen
If not a Haha-taipu
And this is so weeaboo
To be using such terms

Friday, April 18, 2008

Two today, a diet tomorrow.

Dear God, Their Lord.

Bring on the daylight
Let them shatter my corpse
I'm done walking the nights
It's time to say goodbye

The world is filled with us, anyways
What difference would it made,
If more faded away?

There's still billions to go through
So take your time on cleaning up
The world you had once loved but now hate

Everyone is dead
There is no more life apart you
I know that they are moving,
But still,
Their minds are the same as those
Six foot beneath the earth they walk

It would mark the end
When you are done
Killing everyone

And it would mark your first charity
To this world and humanity
The images you have created,
Mister narcist.

Do you hear your mommy?
Because I think I do
Certain that she called for you
"Time for lunch", she called out
"Wash your hands" she reminds you again

Dear child,
Maybe someday someone would discover
Your talent in making figures
Which look like you
And hire you

But now isn't time for work
Not so soon
Go indulge in your childhood

Play again tomorrow
The day after and forever
Till you mature.


Last before a pause

Everything seems to be moving to the sides
And I can't decide
My feelings on which to play

The fields are rough
And it all has just begun
I suppose, there is still time to idle on this cross

Events need to start replaying
Or the old give birth
To new ones

The flow of time just isn't stopping
Anywhere near

Creativity isn't flowing
All seems static
Like there's a dam
Which I'd like to condemn
For parching my lands

Life needs to be more entertaining
Don't you agree?
Does grass from another field seem more stale than yours?
Can you see?

Where are my catalysts?
Have you seen them, my eyes.
Do remember, where I last left them?

Because it's excruciating to watch
Traumatising to be in
And overwhelming to know
Once I overcome this.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I don't know why
Then again I just might
But I can't seem to write
What my mind wants me to, tonight

Am I that incapable?
Just an ass in a well
My abilities are confined within this genre
I can't place any other emotions on the line

I've tried multiple times
But I can't seem to put those cheesy words together
And have them make as much sense
As my other phrases

I'd perhaps a mayhap
And deceive what you would perceive
Still I'd like to be able to
Put these words on paper
And make it seem like it's real

Alone I could say the phrase
Expanded it doesn't make sense to me
They won't link
No matter how hard I've tried
Maybe my best just isn't giving all its might

So I fight with what I can write
In this song I am making up tonight
To prove myself and to prove to all the odds I might face
That I am more than what they can expect

He wrote, about the skies and nights
About shakespears and how he would be
With every action that you could give

He said, that his love for you
Is pure and true
Like Romeo's for Juliet
Your life he wishes to take
His life is there for you to claim
Foolish is all I can say
And this is where I will truly begin

You have gone through the winding journey
From the top to reach these final words
That I'll say
Straight in your face
That I love you
With no strings attached
And I don't ask for anything in return

Wasn't that cheesy, was it now?
That is as much sense as I can see in those words
And form in a proper sentence
To give them out
And that is all I have for now.

To prove myself against this :

How could you just fall from the sky tonight?
From the sky… When usually there’s only rain.
Well tonight it’s all about you baby.
How could this happen to such a loser like me?
Could this be a turn of events in my tangled life?
Could this all be a dream. Or one of my fantasies.
Part of life is realizing some things are untrue.
Why? Why will you stay?
Why will you go?
Where will you go now?
Can’t you see the confusion in my eyes?
In my eyes?
Will this be?
Can we make it now?
Well will it be?
You hold all the answers?
To all of my questions.
In life. To learn.
Where should I start?
From the beginning of a true romance.
From a beautiful and heartbreaking story.
About a boy and girl.
Named dear Romeo and fair Juliette.
Will this end the same as their story?
With bloodied knives and pain and destruction.
Can’t you tell me a love story where they end up together?
Will you kiss me? Here and now.
Or we could set sail to a more secluded spot.
We are here, we are here now.
You take me atop a mountaintop!
You take me atop a mountaintop.
With one kiss.
You send my brain spinning into mindless thought, and utterless gibber.
Wait one minute let me return the favour.
You have made me one happy man.
Will this be?
Can we make it now?
Well will it be?
You hold all the answers?
To all of my questions.
In life. To learn.
Where should I start?
Will you be my bride tonight?
Will you be my delicate bride tonight?
With your white veil covering your face.
You look like an angel from outer space.
Dressed in your ego I stand up tall.
Tall as the trees, Tall as the trees.
I watch your face and then you suddenly fall.
I see the pain and digression following all.
Just wait up one second it wont take me long to tell you I love you so.
I love you more then the rain in the sky as it tips off the mountains and onto your face
Your decisions are cracking at the seams.
I hope you make the right decisions for me.


Turn around
And never turn back again
Leave your regrets by the pavement
Take this life and run

All's ignited
In the back
Saint Micheal's here with his flaming sword and wings
As he graces the living

Run and just keep on running
Take what want and what you need
Bring them all to another part of the land and live
Life without your history known

Pillars of salt
Black and charred corpses
Laying still and standing tall
Versailles would come around
Mining all these salt which had once walked this ground
Making a name in the paper you'd read
Holding a place and never fade
From some's memories

And they'd try to run
Repeating history
But this time they'd leave life
Only their name on the records

Sins they had made
Are not forgiven
Fruits which they reaped
Now enjoyed by their predators

So just keep on fleeing from all your mistakes
Once more again
Letting history repeat

Lessons not learned
Everything's the same
While you call us young and immature
You aren't so old nor right in the head

So just flee
Leave everything
And start again
Restart again

Your time, is in your hands
These lives, they won't follow you again
Only a few sheeps
Would be guided by a sheperd like you
Into the mouth of a wolf
Called failure.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Campers R US

Rays of light
Unto my solemn life
Untainted by the color of sins

Darkness befalls
Upon where light flaws
These tones I have not seen
On my skin
Displaying my every sin

When the light fades away
Darkness just won't come again
Colors would reunite
And all would be right

But I'll wait
For God to shift his vision
The Lord to shun I
And all mistakes I've made

Since when did I begin?
Where is the starting line again?
I don't remember

It must have been my oblivion
To be out and bare
Naked under the very sky where He resides
Unconcsious, parading

Foolish in my lost, childless act
Like I never had
Being someone I never am
In a different skin
That just won't shed
Not now
Not yet

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Remade, hands added. That's about it.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Stolen Goods.

Nope, these are doodled by me. Only the software and tools.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Hilary/Obama Promotion

Link :


Friday, March 7, 2008

A peek into modern life

The words you have
They do not articulate
The world is speechless
Filled with these noises
Which expresses the hate in you
That do not fade

Your face is blank
As you face the world
And lie
Your heart is filled with emotions
Complex like the thoughts gathered in your mind

So just
Forget yesterday
You have been there
Forget today
You will get through it
Forget tomorrow
You will be there
And everything will be the same anyways

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Re: Reasons why students fail

Another mail in the box! How quaint.

It's not the fault of student if
he/she fails because the year ONLY
has 365 days...
typical academic year for a student:

1. Sundays - 52 Sundays in a year, you know Sundays are for rest.
Days left 313.

That would make those three hundred and thirteen days workdays. There is a very good reason to why they are called workdays. So maybe if you did not waste part of your life making this up, you could have gotten either some rest, some work done or partially atone for any one of your sins by praying to me.

2. Summer holidays - 50 where weather is very hot and difficult to study.
Days left 263.

I feel sympathy on this statement but regardless, I do not stop raping you just because it is summer. How does fifty un-loved days sound to you? Because they sound mighty fine to me.

3. 8 hours daily sleep - 130 days GONE.
Days left 141.
I do doubt that the eight hours excludes the two daily hours of sleeping around and about. Or maybe with yourself, little narcist.

4. 1 hour for daily playing- (good for health) means 15 days.
Days left 126.
For every hour you play, you need two hours to reconnect half the amount of neurons in your brain which you have just disconnected. Wow, I got myself there. I did not think that you would ever have that many neurons to connect or disconnect before you break down and stop working.

5. 2 hours daily for food & other delicacies (chewing properly & swallowing) - means 30 days.
Days left 96.
An approximation of twenty hours is needed before what you put into your mouth is being tossed out from your ass. So maybe if you did not eat that much, your ass would stop being such an ass and stink so much.

6. 1 hour for talking (man is a social animal) - means 15 days.
Days left 81.
Definition of talking : To articulate words. Two options, you have either rendered your intelligience to that of below an average person's or speak of matters equivalent to your intellectual level hence causing you to fail. An average person has a IQ of 100 at the present moment.

7. Exam days - per year at least 35 days.
Days left 46.
You have atleast thirty five days a year to study. That is not very difficult is it? Approximately one tenth of the year is dedicated to your academic and intellectual growth and you are still whining? Perhaps what you need is nothing more than additional exam days. Half the year maybe?

8. Quarterly, half yearly and festival (holidays) - 40 days.
Days left 6.
A quarter, a half and even more! Wow, now you are left with 40IQ! Use them sparringly. Never know when you might be needing them. Or maybe you never knew to begin with.

9. For sickness - at least 3 days.
Days left 3.

One more down is one less to do. Go on. I doubt the doctor misses you enough. Once a year is more than sufficient.

10. Movies and functions- at least 2 days.
1 day left.
Twelve movies a year and going to church does not constitute to attending a function.
Neither does going to the theatre with some people whom you call friends constitute to attending a function.

11. That 1 day is your birthday.
How can you study on that day ?!?!?!?!?!
You are just one little crumbly clay person amongst over six billion. Your birthday is as significant as your existance in the world. That makes you negligible, like your intelligience.
Balance = 0
' How can a student pass ?????'
Wow. Is that the level of your intelligience? This is a hard question. Indeed. What would you like to pass first? A truck about to hit you down or the spit which the kid behind you keeps throwing? Did you mean your exams? I am sorry. I thought you were a little more materialistic, ignorant and well, special. Maybe you could try studying rather than writing or even reading this now.

One sec ho, Mary's up here first yo see.

Just a little introduction of what I am like and what the rest will be like.


God loves you
For you are his children
He won't hate you
He'll provide salvation

Only if you will believe in him

But I don't fucking care
I don't fucking believe
That there is life so fine
That he can free me from my sins

You can't see him
You can't feel him
Neither can you hear him
Unless you use your imagination
And believe in ancient illusions

He loves you
He will love you
He will save you
He will aid you
So just read the goddamned bible

Read the latest edition
Where God is angry
Mary gives life
They are both santas

Jesus is like you
A child,
Always on the receiving end
Especially when it is their birthday

You will be killed
Hung on a cross
And stabbed in the side
Longinus hates you

No one will ever love you
Till a thousand more die
And a cult made in your name
And you will finally be real
Only in dreams and desperation